Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blogging 101

If, like me, you're a beginner in the world of blogging, here are some helpful tips:

1) Don't be afraid to ask for help.
2) Get involved with your readers and those who comment on your site; be an interactive blogger so you can adapt to your audience and learn from them as well.
3) To get more traffic and readers, incorporate your blog into all of your other social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, and other websites.

Check out these websites for other useful tips and tricks about getting started with your blog:
1) Beginner Blogger Tips
2) 50 Blogging Tips for Beginners


It is important to note that social media writing is different than traditional web writing. To better develop your blog/social media writing skills, check out:
1) Traditional vs. Social Media Writing
2) 100 Twitter Feeds to Sharpen Your Writing Skills


The reason I chose Blogger as my platform for this class is because it is an easy option for beginners and makes the process of starting a blog very simple. I also have had some experience using WordPress, so I wanted to branch out and try something new to expand my web knowledge.

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