Speaking at the Facebook f8 event in May 2007, CEO Mark Zuckerberg used the term "social graph" to refer to the network of connections and relationships between site users. Zuckerberg said that "it's the reason Facebook works. "He went on to say the social graph is "changing the way the world works... As Facebook adds more and more people with more and more connections it continues growing and becomes more useful at a faster rate. We are going to use it spread information through the social graph."Although this term is relatively new, the concept is not. The idea of this sort of web that connects people within societies, countries, and even across the world, is one that has been around and has been studied for hundreds of years. With the development and rapid growth of social media sites in the past 5-10 years, it has made it even easier to track these connections and analyze what we consider to a "social graph"
Since presenting this idea (in terms that everyone can understand), it has drastically changed the way people approach business, marketing, and connecting with their customers. Social media marketing strategies now embrace trends new web technology, focus on customer research and analysis, and customized content. In this especially helpful article, I found that
At the recent Web 2.0 Summit, Mark Zuckerberg said, “Over the next five years every industry will have to redesign itself around social.”This idea will change businesses because it challenges them, and individuals on a personal level, to be more future-oriented, flexible and adaptable, and content-focused.
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